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Spring is Just around the corner


Ruff Draft

March 3,2015


Welcome back to Ruff Draft!


As we begin the month of March we want to remind you that as the weather warms, those nasty fleas and ticks will be finding your pet. Check your supply now so they don’t catch you off guard! Our manufacturers are offering rebates on all of the Heartworm and Flea Prevention that we carry so stock up now so you are not caught short.

Did you know ?

  • Did you know? Fleas can transmit tapeworms, which means problems externally and internally for your pet.
  • One white-tailed deer can support more than 450,000 ticks in a year. And those munchers want to get on your pet, too.
  • A year’s supply of parasite preventives for your pet is much more affordable than the amount you’ll spend on special topical treatments, medications, and an exterminator for a parasite-infested house. Ask us about year-round flea and tick prevention today!

March 1-7th is National Severe Weather Preparedness Week

Make sure you make a plan for your entire family in case of any emergency.
The ASPCA has a great resource for your planning needs.


Now for a cute little video for your entertainment pleasure….. you know how we love our chihuahua’s !

Pet Emergency? Think your pet have have ingested something poisonous?  Call the Animal Poison Control Center.  ( APCC )


How do I get in touch with ASPCA animal poison control experts?

The APCC experts are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you think that your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, make the call that can make all the difference: (888) 426-4435. The call is toll-free. A $65 consultation fee may be applied to your credit card.

What kind of services does the APCC provide?

The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center provides 24-hour-a-day, year-round advice on animal poison-related emergencies to pet parents, veterinarians and animal clinic professionals. With experience in more than two million cases involving pesticides, drugs, plants, metals and other potentially hazardous items, our specially trained staff of veterinary toxicologists has access to an extensive database, which they can quickly access to help diagnose problems and give treatment advice.

Go to the Animal  Poison Control Center’s website to get  a free pet safety pack for your home.


Earl – our clinic cat!

Have you met Earl ? Earl is most often he is seen peeking out of a cabinet or peering down at you from a high shelf.

Top 10 Apps for your cat


Any cat owner will tell you that a dangling string or feather can catch their cat’s attention almost instantly. Cats are very curious creatures and continue to surprise us with their intelligence. Try out this list of the best smartphone apps for our feline friends out there!

  1. Pocket Pond—Get your cat in the hunting spirit with this interactive pond filled with fish, rippling water, and dragonflies! Design your own pond and take care of the fish to make it fun for the both of you. Free for iPhone and Android. Photo via iTunes
  2. Cat Fishing—Feed your cats’ senses with this interactive game! Use your paw (or finger) to catch the fish swimming in the ocean. Can you catch the fish quicker than your kitty? Free for iPhone and Android.
  3. Catbook—Cats are already taking over the internet, why not let your cat participate in its own social community? Over one million cat lovers share photos, make friends, and update statuses to this online social network for cats. Free for iPhone. 
  4. PetSnap—Are you having trouble taking photos of your kitty? This app is great for both cats and dogs and has 32 sounds that are designed to capture your pets’ attention! Other features include the ability to zoom and the option to add photo frames. $1.99 for iPhone.Photo via
  5. Paint for Cats—An app that brings out the creativity in your kitty! Your cat simply chases the mouse on the screen and creates a masterpiece while doing so. You can even share your cat’s paintings to Facebook to share the artwork with your friends. $1.99 for iPhone.
  6. Dosecast—A medication reminder designed for both humans and pets that allows you to compile lists of medication that include details such as dosages, photos and other specifics (take with food, etc.) and set reminder for each. For those with pets on strict medication schedules, this app could be very helpful! Free for iPhone and Android.
  7. Catgame—Does your cat have an obsession with laser pointers? This app allows you to sit back and watch your cat play with a little red dot bouncing around your smartphone screen. Catgame is a great alternative for cats that wildly knock over everything in their path in attempt to “catch” the traditional laser pointer light. Free for iPhone and via iTunes
  8. Paw Me Lite—A truly unique app designed with options for humans to play against their cats, cats to play against their kitty friends, or humans to play against other humans. Paw Me has animated backgrounds, natural sounds, and ways to make the game interesting with a variety of levels or player specifics (such as multiplayer or single player). Free for iPhone or Android.
  9. Cat Clicker Training—Interested in training your cat using the highly successful clicker training method? This app gives step-by-step instructions to make training easier. $0.99 for iPhone.
  10. Kittyo—This Kickstarter funded product is more than just an app; it allows you to interact with your cat while you are away. Kittyo lets you record video, control a laser pointer, dispense treats, and speak to your feline friend via remote, from anywhere that has WiFi. This newly released product will be ready to ship by early 2015. The app is free for iPhone and Android and the actual product cost is $179 (preorder). 

These apps will help you find new ways to entertain, train, and keep up with your feline friends’ social status. If your cat doesn’t seem interested right away, try using your fingers to show how the games work. Ease your cat into these apps to help them get comfortable and engaged. Also, try turning off the lights or use a tablet to help them focus on the game.

Congratulations to our weekly winner – Beth Tyson! Come by and pick up your prize!


Now, this week’s question.  What type of parasites do fleas transmit?  Email  your answer to by noon Friday to be eligible for  this week’s prize.


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